Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Richard Bradley

Le Professeur Richard BRADLEY (LSE, Département de Philosophie), spécialiste de la théorie des conditionnels, sera l'invité du séminaire PHILFORM à l'IHPST le vendredi 27 avril 2007, de 14h à 16h, et donnera une conférence sur le thème:
"Reconciling Adams' Thesis with Truth-Conditional Semantics?"

Abstract: I argue that the various triviality results for Adams' Thesis - the hypothesis that the probability of a conditional equals the conditional probability of its consequent given its antecedent - fail to disprove it. On the contrary, since it is possible to construct a triviality result for any 'orthodox' theory of conditionals satisfying a much weaker 'Preservation' condition, we should consider abandoning elements of the orthodoxy. I consider a number of possibilities and especially the route taken by McGee, who allows the semantic contents of conditionals to be determined (in part) by agents' subjective probabilities.

[La séance aura lieu en liaison avec le cours donné à l'ENS par M. Cozic et P. Egré sur les conditionnels, et se tiendra dans la grande salle de l'IHPST de 14h à 16h.]