Flow chart
[Xkcd via Nothing of Consequence]
:: logique & philosophie ::
The Colloquium "Science in Flux ’08", organized by P.Wagner will be held Friday 12 December and Saturday 13 December. Venue : IHPST, 13 rue du Four 75006 Paris.
The theme will be "Formal Approaches to Belief Change and Inquiry, and the Philosophy of Science"
Program :
Friday 12 DECEMBER 2008
Keynote address
BENGT HANSSON (Lund): Explanatory Equilibrium
FRANCK ZENKER (Lund): The Formalization of Revolutionary Theory Change
SEBASTIAN ENQVIST (Lund): An Architectonic for Scientific Theory Change
ISAAC LEVI (Columbia/New York): Doxastic States
ERIK OLSSON (Lund): Interrogative Belief Change: Contraction and Ties
HANS ROTT (Regensburg): Defending the Ramsey Test for the Interpretation of Conditionals: A Constructive Approach
Saturday 13 DECEMBER 2008
EMMANUEL GENOT (Lille): Belief Revision and the Interrogative Approach to Inquiry
GERHARD SHURTZ (Duesserldorf): Abduction and Belief Revision In Science
HERVÉ ZWIRN (IHPST, Paris): Abductive Logic In A Belief Revision Framework
JAAKKO HINTIKKA (Boston): Who is Afraid of Thomas Bayes?
GABRIEL SANDU (IHPST, Paris):Probabilistic Reading of Quantifiers
henri galinon
5:57 PM
The conference Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics :Epistemological and Ontological Aspects, dedicated to
Per Martin-Löf on the occasion of his retirement, will be held in Uppsala, May 5-8, 2009.
henri galinon
8:57 AM
Les troisièmes Conférences Duhem (Société de Philosophie des Sciences) auront lieu le vendredi 28 novembre 2008 de 13h30 à 18h30 à l’Ecole normale supérieure(45, rue d’Ulm,75005 Paris) en salle Dussane.
Programme :
13h30- Accueil par M. Canto-Sperber, dir. de l'ENS, et D. Andler, président de la SPS.
14h- Jon ELSTER (Collège de France) : "L'indétermination de la théorie du choix rationnel"
Discutants : Mikaël Cozic (IHPST, GREGHEC), Nicolas Houy (Ecole polytechnique)
16h30- Ivar EKELAND (University of British Columbia) : "Mathématiques et économie, fécondité et limites d'une formalisation"
Discutants : Jean-Philippe Bouchaud (CEA/Saclay), Jean-Paul Delahaye (LIFL, Lille)
henri galinon
4:52 PM
Lundi 17 novembre de 14h00 à 16h00 dans la grande salle de l'IHPST, Philform accueille Konrad Zdanowski (Polish Academy of Sciences / Université Paris 7) :
"On the second order intuitionistic propositional logic without a universal quantifier".
Télécharger l'article ici.
Prochaine séance du séminaire Philform :
lundi 03 novembre de 14h00 à 16h00 dans la grande salle de l'IHPST
Michael von Boguslawski (université d'Helsinki): "Ketonen's logical discovery".
Abstract :
In this talk I will describe Oiva Ketonen's work on logic, in particular his discovery of a sequent calculus with invertible rules. Additionally I will give a brief overview of how logic arrived in Finland. Ketonen being the only student of Gerhard Gentzen - the father of sequent calculus - some recent research on the latter will also be presented.
Prochaine séance du séminaire Philform :
lundi 27 octobre, grande salle de l'IHPST, 14h-16h.
Allen Mann : IF logic and Kleene algebras
It is well known that the Principle of Bivalance fails in IF logic--there are sentences that are neither true nor false. We will use the techniques of algebraic logic to show that the Principle of Trivalence holds--every sentence has one of exactly three possible truth-values. We will further show that IF logic can be viewed an a first-order extension of Kleene's strong three-valued logic.
Ansten Klev informs me that the institute for foundational research in
Münster has some logic texts on their website: here.
In english :
W. Pohlers : Computability theory of hyperarithmetical sets
W. Pohlers : Infinitary proof theory
W. Pohlers & T. Grass : A introduction to mathematical logic
Lundi 13 octobre de 14h à 16h dans la grande salle de l'IHPST, le séminaire Philform reçoit Michael Freund (Paris IV):
'Une théorie de la catégorisation pour les concepts constructibles'.
Résumé: Les concepts constructibles sont ceux que l'on peut définir à l'aide de concepts plus simples dans un processus similaire à celui de l'apprentissage. Pour cette classe de concepts, les notions de base de la théorie de la categorisation et de la théorie du prototype peuvent être simplement modélisées par des relations qualitatives. On obtient ainsi un formalisme qui permet de mieux cerner les problèmes classiques liés à l'appartenance, la typicité relative et la ressemblance. En particulier, le modèle proposé est cohérent avec l'opération de compositionalité, et rend fidèlement compte de phénomènes expérimentaux peu ou mal expliqués par les théories antérieures. La réinterprétation, enfin, de la notions de trait essentiel et de trait typique en termes de relation d'inférence conduit à traitement intéressant dans le cadre de la logique non monotone des notions d'induction catégorielle.
Our "logic tutorials" page needs to be updated, and I hope I'll be able to do that soon. Meanwhile, you can also check out the "Intext" category which also contains links to online logic courses... Done. The new URL is : http://sites.google.com/site/theoremeorg/.
[Thanks to Richard Zach and Peter Smith for advertising on their blogs.]
henri galinon
7:09 PM
Nuel Belnap now has two logic texbook drafts on his webpage :
Notes on the Art of Logic (.pdf, 310 p.)
Notes on the Science of Logic (.pdf, 237p.)
To read before submission, an old post of the Leiter Reports containing valuable information on response times, feedback quality etc. of a bunch of proeminent philosophy journals : Philosophy Journals: Which Ones are Responsible, Which Ones Not?.
Mic Detlefsen's ENS lectures "In Search of Formalism" :
Fri. Oct 10, Salle Cavaillès. 16:00--18:00
Fri. Oct 17, Salle Cavaillès. 16:00--18:00
Fri. Oct 24, Salle Cavaillès. 16:00--18:00
Fri. Oct 31, Salle des Actes. 16:00--18:00
Ecole Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris.
henri galinon
5:41 PM
Le site internet de PALMYR a été mis à jour. Vous pouvez également consulter le programme en .pdf ici.
Merci à Abel Poucet pour l'affiche. Voyez ici pour des informations concernant l'illustration.
henri galinon
8:56 AM
"Le mathématicien français Henri Cartan est décédé le 13 août à l'âge de 104 ans, a-t-on appris lundi auprès du ministère de la Recherche.
Médaille d'or en 1976 du Centre national de la Recherche scientifique (CNRS) et récompensé en 1980 par le prix international Wolf de mathématiques, Henri Cartan était un spécialiste des fonctions analytiques de plusieurs variables complexes, ainsi que de la théorie du potentiel, de la topologie algébrique et de l'algèbre homologique."
[via theuth]
henri galinon
2:26 PM
In Memoriam
Avec un peu de retard, je signale la parution en français (aux éditions Allia) du livre intitulé "L'éclipse du Savoir" par Lindsay Waters, éditeur pour les sciences humaines chez Harvard University Press.
henri galinon
11:17 AM
For those interested, (the preliminary version of) the contributed papers to the colloquium "Collective Wisdom : Principles and mechanisms" (held on 22-23 may 2008) are online.
henri galinon
9:08 AM
Séminaire « Perspectives philosophiques sur l'agrégation des jugements »
Lundi 30 juin 2008 à l'IHPST et Mardi 1 juillet à l' Université Paris-Dauphine (détails ci-dessous)
Lundi 30 juin | Lieu : Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques, 13 rue du Four, 75006 Paris (métro Mabillon). Grande salle, 2e étage
14h-15h30: Mikaël Cozic (IHPST & GREGHEC, Paris)« Une introduction à la théorie de l'agrégation logique »
15h30-17h : Philippe Mongin (GREGHEC & IHPST, Paris)« Quelques difficultés inattendues du principe d'unanimité de Pareto »
17h-18h30 : Christian List (London School of Economics)« Group Deliberation and the Revision of Judgments: An Impossibility Result »
Atelier « Theory of Logical Aggregation »
Mardi 1er juillet 2008 | Lieu : Université Paris-Dauphine, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75116 Paris (métro Porte Dauphine). Salle A 709 de la nouvelle aile (bâtiment A).
9h30-11h : Elad Dokow (Technion, Haifa) et Ron Holzman (Technion, Haifa & Paris-Dauphine) « Aggregation of Non-Binary Evaluations: Towards a Characterization of Impossibility Domains »
11h-12h30 : Franz Dietrich (Universiteit de Maastricht & London School of Economics) et Philippe Mongin (GREGHEC & IHPST, Paris)« The Premiss-Based Approach to Judgment Aggregation » (voir ici)
14h-15h30 : Klaus Nehring (University of California at Davis) et Clemens Puppe (Universität Karlsruhe)« Efficient Judgment Aggregation » (voir ici
16h-17h30 : Franz Dietrich (Universiteit Maastricht & London School of Economics) et Christian List (London School of Economics)« Majority Voting on Restricted Domains » (voir ici)
henri galinon
11:06 AM
Paris-Oxford Workshop
June 26-28 2008, grande salle de l'IHPST, 13 rue du Four, Paris
Program here
henri galinon
10:51 PM
Here's an updated link to Ted Sider's draft : Logic for Philosophy
[h.t. David Nicolas]
Lundi 9 juin (14h-16h), le séminaire Philform (IHPST) reçoit Thibault Gajdos(CNRS-Paris 1):
"The Ignorant Observer"
Most prominent models of economic justice (and especially those proposed by Harsanyi and Rawls) are based on the assumption that impartiality is required for making moral decisions. However, although Harsanyi and Rawls agree on that and furthermore agree on the notion that impartiality can be obtained under appropriate conditions of ignorance, they strongly disagree on the consequences of these assumptions. According to Harsanyi, they provide a justification for the utilitarian doctrine, whereas Rawls considers that they imply egalitarianism. We propose here an extension of Harsanyi's Impartial Observer Theorem, that is based on the representation of ignorance as the set of all possible probability distributions over individuals. We obtain a characterization of the observer's preferences that, under our most restrictive conditions, is a convex combination of Harsanyi's and Rawls' criteria. Furthermore, this representation is ethically meaningful, in the sense that individuals' utilities are cardinally measurable and fully comparable. This allows us to conclude that the impartiality requirement cannot be used to decide between Rawls' and Harsanyi's positions. Finally, we defend the view that a (strict) combination of Harsanyi's and Rawls' criteria provides a reasonable rule for social decisions.
Workshop « Mathematical Understanding » | 9-13 juin 2008
Département Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences, Université Denis Diderot Paris 7,
Les Grands Moulins, Salle du Campanile, Accès C - 8ème étage.
10 Esplanade des Grands Moulins - Paris 13ème ardt.
Plans et itinéraires
Lundi 9 juin
9h30-11h00 :Jeremy Gray (Open University London)« Understanding [and] Riemann surfaces »
11h15-12h45 : Karine Chemla (CNRS Rehseis)« Understanding while proving the correctness of algorithms. Reflexions based on ancient Chinese sources »
14h30-16h00 : Alain Michel (Université d’Aix-Marseille) « La théorie de la mesure: origines et prolongements »
16h15-17h45 : Renaud Chorlay (Université de Paris 8 - Rehseis)« Making sense of it with structures : the mathematical (and philosophical) background to Charles Ehresmann's work »
18h00-19h30 : Andrei Rodin (Université Denis Diderot de Paris 7)« Category theory, Mathematical Structuralism and Mathematical Hermeneutics »
Mardi 10 juin
14h00-15h30 : Ken Manders (University of Pittsburgh)« On Mathematical Understanding »
15h45-17h15 : Catherine Goldstein (CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques, Paris 6)« Charles Hermite, Mathematical Understanding and Mathematical Nature »
17h30-19h00 :Ivahn Smadja (Université Denis Diderot Paris 7)« Diverging Thrusts. Contrasting Insightful Plasticity with Articulate Embeddings »
Mercredi 11 juin
9h30-11h00 : Jeremy Avigad (Carnegie Mellon)« The role of the diagram in Euclid's Elements »
11h15-12h45 : Philippe Nabonnand (Université de Nancy 2)« La polémique entre Poncelet et Von Staudt : comprendre la dualité »
14h30-16h00 : Gerhard Heinzmann (Université de Nancy 2)« Mathematical Comprehension and Intuition »
16h15-17h45 : Mark Steiner (University of Jerusalem)« Getting more out of mathematics than we put in: the case of complex numbers and their generalizations »
18h00-19h30 :Michel Paty (CNRS Rehseis)« La structure du rationnel dans l’invention de la théorie de la relativité et de la théorie quantique »
Jeudi 12 juin
9h30-11h00 : Jan von Plato (University of Helsinki)« A combinatorial view of mathematical proofs »
11h15-12h45 : Joël Merker (ENS Ulm, DMA & LATP)« Insights towards the speculative thought of formal computation »
14h30-16h45 : Andrew Arana (Kansas State University) & Mic Detlefsen (University of Notre-Dame)« Purity and Understanding »
17h-18h30 :Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (Université Denis Diderot Paris 7)« Le galoisisme de Grothendieck »
Vendredi 13 juin
9h30-11h00 : Paolo Mancosu (University of Berkeley)« Understanding, Explanation and Unification »
11h15-12h45 : Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State University)« An 'i' for an i. Reference and indiscernibility »
14h30-16h00 : Marco Panza (CNRS, Rehseis)« From naturals to reals using abstraction »
16h15-17h45 José Ferreiros (University of Sevilla)« Conceptual understanding, logical consistency, and mathematical existence »
18h Discussion générale
henri galinon
8:40 AM
Newton international fellowships. The closing date for the first round of applications is 4 August 2008.
henri galinon
5:34 PM
On the Ideas of Quine: Section 1
Hilary Putnam on the Philosophy of Science: Section 1
Searle on the Philosophy of Language : Section 1
Ayer on Frege and Russell :
henri galinon
9:31 AM
lundi prochain 26 mai de 14h à 16h dans la grande salle de l'IHPST, Philform reçoit Lucie Ménager (Paris II): "La connaissance interactive en économie et en théorie des jeux"
La prochaine séance du séminaire général de l'IHPST se tiendra le jeudi 22 mai (à l'IHPST) de 11H à 13H. Paolo Mancosu (Université de Berkeley) fera une conférence sur le sujet suivant :
"Quine and Tarski on nominalism"
Le même jour à l'ENS, salle Weil à 16h, se tiendra la première séance de son séminaire sur les théories de la vérité.
Abstract (Quine and Tarski on nominalism):
Quine and Tarski were kindred philosophical spirits. They rejected the
analytic/synthetic distinction and shared a strong distaste for modal
notions. Moreover, both had nominalistic leanings. In this talk I
trace the nominalistic engagement of these two giants of contemporary
analytic philosophy. Using recently discovered materials from the
Quine archive at Harvard, I begin by describing Quine's engagement
with nominalism up to 1940. I will then summarize the impact of the
1940-1941 discussions on nominalism between Carnap, Quine and Tarski
and mention their influence on Goodman. The third part of the talk
will be on Quine's allegiance to nominalism and his subsequent
reluctant acceptance of Platonism. The fourth part of the talk will
then focus on Tarski's defense of nominalism in Amersfoort in 1953.
Finally, I will compare Quine's and Tarski's approaches to nominalism
with some contemporary nominalistic programs (Field, Hellman etc.)
henri galinon
3:55 PM
Albert J.J. Angelberger (Salzburg) est l'invité du séminaire Philform ce lundi 19 mai 2008 : "Dynamic Deontic Logic".
Versions of the chapters are online here.
"This handbook is one volume in a 14 volumes set entitled Handbook of the philosophy of science, dealing with all aspects of the philosophy of science.
This multi-volume Handbook is to be published by Elsevier under the general editorship of Dov Gabbay, Paul Thagard, and John Woods. Editors : Johan van Benthem, Pieter Adriaans
Found on T.E. Forster's page.
As a matter of fact, I'm reading Forster's nice book Logic, Induction, and Sets and was looking for a list of errata. A list that, unfortunately, I didn't find.
If you're familiar with the book, by the way, I was concerned with the second paragraph on page 59 : ok, on the third line, I guess, "continuous" should be replaced by "complete" and on the tenth line, it is the set of fn(x) for *n* in N that is of interest (I write fn(x) for the nth iteration of the function f). But on line 6-7, what's going on exactely ? Is it tacitly assumed that x is sound in the sense that x≤ f(x) [for the sup of {x, fx, etc} to be a fixed point of the continuous operator f defined on a poset assumed to be chain-complete] ? Or does it have something to do with inflationary functions, defined a few pages earlier ? The intuition on continuity is, I think, clear enough, but I'm a bit baffled by the details of the development of the discussion in this paragraph.
A corrected and expanded version of Abramsky & Jung's survey for the Handbook for logic in computer sciences is available online: Domain Theory
Mercredi à 17h30 à l'IHPST, le séminaire Philmath reçoit M. Gomez-Torrente (Philosophie, Université de Mexico) :
"Rereading Tarski on Logical Consequence"
Le matin M. Gomez-Torrente donnera un premier exposé de 10h à 12h en salle de réunion du DEC-IJN, sur le thème
"The Sorites, Linguistic Preconceptions, and the Dual Picture of Vagueness".
Abstract ( Rereading Tarski on Logical Consequence):
I will argue against some recent defenses of the view that, in 1936, Tarski always required all interpretations of a language to share one same domain of quantification. I hope to offer a more detailed examination of some of the relevant textual evidence on the issue than in my earlier work. If time permits, I will also offer some new considerations on subsisting issues of interpretation concerning Tarski's views on the logical correctness of certain omega arguments, on the Tarskian proof that Etchemendy took to be modal and fallacious, or on Tarski's appeals to the "common concept of consequence".
henri galinon
8:49 AM
A results sheet for the online toy survey on Existence and circularity can be found here and will be regularly updated.
[see the post below on do-it-yourself surveys using google docs]
Julien a eu récemment la bonne idée de poster sur son blog un lien vers un message de Mikaël qui indiquait lui-même une page du XPhi Blog expliquant comment créer facilement un questionnaire en ligne.
Un exemple très rudimentaire ici :
Existence and circularity
La prochaine séance du séminaire général de l’IHPST se tiendra le 24 avril de 11h à 13h à l’IHPST, 13, rue du Four (75006 Paris).
Michael Detlefsen interviendra sur le thème suivant:
"On the nature and value of construction"
Abstract: In this paper various notions of construction are examined and their possible roles in the justification of mathematical beliefs considered.
henri galinon
12:31 PM
SPE colloquium will take place in Paris, May 2-4, 2008.
Arché (St Andrews), the IHPST/Chaire d'Excellence 'Ontological Structure and Semantic Structure' (Paris), Logos (Barcelona), and CSMN (Oslo) are organizing new annual colloquium 'Semantics and Philosophy in Europe' (SPE).
The purpose of the colloquium is to enhance the dialogue between linguists and philosophers and to provide a new forum for presenting research in the interface between linguistic semantics and the various related areas of philosophy (philosophy of language, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of mind). The colloquium is to take place every year, alternating between Paris, St Andrews, Barcelona, and Oslo.
henri galinon
12:23 PM
intuitionism.org :
"This website has as its goal to investigate the opinions of the mathematical community on intuitionism. To this end it presents ten slightly provocative questions and collects answers to these questions from as many people as possible."
[H.T. Gonçalo SANTOS]
Stefan Ionescu has pointed out to me the following link : A Brief Description of LaTeXMathML (thanks!)
The abstract reads : "This is a short article that illustrates those aspects of LaTeX that are transformed by LaTeXMathML into a mathml plus html format. While limited in scope, LaTeXMathML nonetheless is capable of transforming a large subset of those elements found in a typical LaTeX article into a mathml empowered webpage. The goal of LaTeXMathML is that of making pure latex coding a "web-friendly" enterprise."
Le site de l'ESAP a été amélioré, notamment le calendrier des conférences européennes
henri galinon
12:22 PM
Information relative à la nouvelle circulaire sur le cumul d'activités des fonctionnaires et agents de la fonction publique sur Fabula
[HT : Nadja Cohen]
henri galinon
9:50 AM
Mardi 25 mars, de 16h à 18h, Philform recevra Hannes Leitgeb :
On the Justification of Objectivist Bayesianism
(joint paper with Richard Pettigrew)
The fundamental problem of epistemology is to say when the evidence in an agent's possession justifies the beliefs she holds. In this paper, we defend an Objectivist Bayesian's solution to this problem by appealing to the following fundamental norm: Try to get as close to the truth as possible; in other words: minimize inaccuracy.
We make the underlying notion of inaccuracy mathematically precise, and derive the tenets of Objectivist Bayesianism from the mathematical version of the norm. Finally, we use our account of accuracy to assess Richard Jeffrey's proposed generalization of part of the Bayesian creed, and identify a weakness in his proposal.
henri galinon
9:00 AM
Lundi 17 mars (de 14h à 16h dans la grande salle de l'IHPST) Philippe de Rouilhan sera l'invité du séminaire Philform :
Vérité, traduction, signification
Abstract :
— Si la définition tarskienne de la vérité répondait au critère tarskien d’adéquation (la fameuse Convention-T), toute équivalence-T, par exemple:
“Snow is white” est vrai ssi la neige est blanche,
serait déductible de cette définition, et donc logiquement vraie. Mais ce n’est pas le cas, car, si “Snow is white” avait signifié que la neige est rouge, par exemple, cette équivalence-T aurait été fausse.
— Quoi?! Le grand Tarski mis à bas par un petit argument de rien du tout ?! A moins qu’il ne s’agisse d’un paralogisme. Mais alors, où est l’erreur? Etc.
henri galinon
7:21 PM
Lundi 10 mars, 17H30-19H30, à l'IHPST, le séminaire Philmath reçoit Pierre Joray (Philosophie, Université de Rennes): "Définitions explicites et créativité"
henri galinon
9:12 AM
Mardi 11 mars à 16h30 Ed Zalta sera l'invité d'une séance spéciale de Philform :
Title: New Results in Computational Metaphysics (coauthors: Branden Fitelson and Paul Oppenheimer)
henri galinon
8:13 PM
Lundi 10 mars, le séminaire Philform recevra María J. Frápolli (Department of Philosophy I, University of Granada ) : "Nothing but the Truth".
Abstract :
henri galinon
9:59 AM
Abstract Objects in Semantics and Philosophy of Mathematics, IHPST, Paris, 28 Février-1 Mars, 2008
henri galinon
10:26 AM
Just out: call for papers for the Prague International Colloquium Logic of change, change of logic. The colloquium is dedicated to formal approaches to attitude change. The aim is to bring together the different strands of research on the topic - whether they be logical or probabilistic, whether they deal with change of beliefs or desires or preferences etc. - with an eye to better understanding the philosophical and methodological challenges that change poses, and to getting a clear idea of where the field should be going.
Brian Hill
7:01 PM
M. Makkai has a set of lecture notes on set theory and model theory that may be useful to teachers and students ( to be added soon to the logic toolbox of theorem(e)... )
Thursday, February 28 (salle R), Friday, February 29 (Amphi Rataud) and
Saturday, March 1 (Amphi Rataud), 2008 :
Taking place at the École Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris
henri galinon
1:53 PM
Le lundi 18 février 2008, le séminaire Philmath de l'IHPST reçoit le professeur Warren Goldfarb sur le thème :
IHPST, Grande Salle, 17h30-19h30
henri galinon
4:31 PM
Francesca Poggiolesi soutient sa thèse le 4 février à 10h à l'Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Filosofia (Via Bolognese 52, Sala Conferenze).
"Sequent Calculi for Modal Logic"
Zeitgeist : Now J.Burgess has his own Philosophical Logic textbook online (Word document).
[HT: Semantics etc. , Nothing of Consequence, ...]
Michael Detlefsen exposera les grandes lignes de son programme de recherche 2008-2011 sur la notion de preuve, le mercredi 30 JANVIER 2008 à 17 heures,Salle des Actes (G04), Université Nancy 2, 23 Boulevard Albert 1er, 54015 NANCY
Site web du projet 'Ideals of Proof'.
Merci de confirmer votre participation auprès de :
Anny Begard (Anny.Begard AT univ-nancy2.fr) &
Fabien Schang (Fabien.Schang AT univ-nancy2.fr)
henri galinon
1:17 PM
Most of you are probably already aware of this, but I know some who are not : Ted Sider has a draft Logic for Philosophy.