Wednesday, November 09, 2005

14th Annual Harvard-MIT Graduate Student Philosophy Conference

The 14th Annual Harvard-MIT Graduate Student Philosophy Conference - March 4-5, 2006- Keynote Speaker: Peter Godfrey-Smith
We seek submissions from graduate students in any area of philosophy. Submissions should be no longer than 14 double-spaced pages and should be accompanied by a short abstract of 200 words maximum. No identifying information should appear in the body of the paper or the abstract. Instead, on each item, please include a cover sheet with submitter's
name, address, e-mail, telephone number, name of his or her institution, and title of paper.
DEADLINE: Submissions must be received by Monday, December 12th, 2005
We can only accept one submission per applicant, so please make sure that the version of the paper you send is the one you would like considered.
Please send an electronic version of both paper and abstract (in separate files) as Word attachment or .pdf file to: gradphil AT fas.harvard DOT edu"

Sur la page indiquée par Henri sous le titre "More calls for papers", on a accès à cet appel, et il apparaît qu'il faut envoyer une version papier par la poste en plus de la version électronique.